
“Beyond The Goal Line has really opened my eyes to the kind of coach I want to be and the impact we can have on youth.  Coaching is more than X’s and O’s.  This program has opened up my mind, heart and faith to be a more transformational coach.  I loved it… it was some really great stuff!!
Kerry Lynch – Head Softball Coach – Chatard High School


“Bruce Scifres has been one of the most influential and humble servants of young people and the professionals who serve them that I have ever encountered in my career of over 30 years in education and coaching.  Coach Scifres truly embodies what it means to be a Transformational leader.  In any endeavor requiring a man of faith who has been transformational in the lives of others and continues to be committed to selfless service, Coach Bruce Scifres would be my first selection."
Tom Dilley – Head Football Coach at Guerin Catholic High School


"I have spent decades learning from Bruce Scifres while assisting him as a football coach and as a leader in numerous retreats and workshops.  He is a Hall of Fame football coach and for good reason... He has spent his entire life trying to help young people get the most out of their God-given abilities.  His mission is to inspire, plain and simple... and nobody is better at it than he is.  His impact is far-reaching, well beyond the goal line, stretching into eternity, because his focus is weaving God into every aspect of our lives."
Chris Belch - Attorney and long-time varsity football assistant coach


“In the Beyond The Goal Line presentation, Coach Scifres gave us several applicable examples and ideas to implement with our team.  The “10-60-Eternity” philosophy makes our job as coaches and leaders of youth so much more meaningful.  There are also a lot of Golden Nuggets, quotes, and other great materials from the Coaches Manual.  This Beyond The Goal Line program is awesome!” 
Dan Harris – Head Football Coach – Scecina High School 


"Bruce Scifres is a man of extraordinary character, an Indiana Hall of Fame football coach, and has dedicated his life to molding the character and faith formation of young people.  The top priority of the Football coaching staff during Bruce's tenure was 'helping the young men they served get to Heaven.'  I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically endorse the Beyond The Goal Line Sports Ministry Program and Bruce's ability to fulfill its potential to change the world!"
Dr. Joe Hollowell, Ed. D. - Former President of Roncalli High School - Father of six former Roncalli football players


“I would strongly recommend this program for all coaches truly interested in developing the best young men and women we have the privilege to coach.  It will reset your priorities in building young people of faith!”
Rob Doyle – Head Football Coach – Chatard High School


“I loved how faith was the centerpiece of the Beyond the Goal Line presentation. It opened my eyes to God’s calling. It gave me motivation to grow in my faith, while also striving to be the best athlete possible.”
Johnny J. – High School Football and Baseball Player


“There are three words to describe Bruce Scifres as a coach, teacher, and leader.  They are humility, integrity, and transformative.  Every player and coach who were blessed with Bruce’s influence can recall his words, “Do the right thing!”  On the field, in the classroom and in our homes Bruce’s message was clear.  Do the right thing and become the man that God created you to be.  Beyond the Goal Line Sports Ministry will offer you an opportunity to hear stories of how Coach Scifres can impact your work in transforming the lives of young people!” 
Scott Houser – Assistant Professor of Biology, Marian University 
Varsity Football Coach - Roncalli High School 


“This training made me reflect on why I coach and that I should further refine and redirect some of these reasons.  This is a great organizational tool, especially for this upcoming school year… I will actually use most of this in my classroom as well!”
Scot Dawson – Varsity Baseball and Wrestling Coach 
Chatard High School


“To be able to attend this presentation with my teammates was awesome! I am confident it will help us come even closer together and play each game as a team. I feel like this program is exactly what our team needed!”
Olivia G. – High School Girls Softball Player


“X’s and O’s mean a lot to me, but as a person of faith, this program has changed the way I view each practice and moment with my team.  The real-life examples shared through the Beyond The Goal Line presentation gave me a way to pull examples from my own experiences and helped me to put these lessons into practice each day.”
Max Clifford – Varsity Girls Basketball Coach – Roncalli High School


“Coach Scifres’ vision to leverage athletics as a platform to allow young people to grow in their personal relationship with their faith has had a transformational impact on me and those I am blessed to lead.  As a player and assistant coach under him, he gave me the tools and insights to gain more confidence in how I embrace my faith more outwardly and how I can support others in doing the same.  He transformed my life, and I am paying it forward with our next generation of faith filled leaders.” 
Brian Lauck – Senior District Business Leader at Novo Nordisk 
Long time Varsity Football Coach at Roncalli
Former Roncalli Football Co-Captain 
"I liked how this program was very interactive and inspiring. It had great faith insights about life and not just sports. These insights will be very useful to me in my last year of high school sports.”
Alyssa N. – High School Basketball and Softball Player


“Coach Scifres was a great role model for me as a teenager during the most vulnerable period of my life.  What he shares in his Beyond The Goal Line Sports Ministry, I had the luxury to live for three years as I played for him.  This changed my life, without a doubt, and better prepared me for my life as an adult.  I now have the honor to give back to youth as a coach and pour into them the faith and life lessons he taught me many years ago as my coach.”
Dean Stahley – Head Freshman Football Coach – Roncalli High School


“Coach Scifres taught us many lessons about faith, family and football.  He always taught us first and foremost that belief in God was number one.  With a strong faith in God, everything else in life would fall into place.  Always leading by example, Coach Scifres demonstrated a relentless preparation in his pursuit to making us the best Christian men we could be.  He cared so deeply about each and every one of us.  Even today, many years later, I am truly blessed to have Coach Scifres as a mentor and teacher.” 
Aaron Irwin – Senior Relationship Manager, Stock Yards Bank & Trust 
Former Roncalli Football Co-Captain 


“The Beyond The Goal Line presentation helped remind me why I coach, and to remember to bring Christ with me in everything I do.  I really needed this, especially with the season ready to start.”
Krissy Kirkoff – Varsity Girls Soccer Coach – Chatard High School


“I really liked the reflection on being a Warrior Leader and the importance of putting my faith into all my actions. This presentation can impact any person, not only athletes!”
Ben S. – High School Football Player and Track Athlete


“This presentation made me realize that it is so important to bring the players to God as well as to coach them.  Having Christ in their lives will make them better in all aspects of life.  It will also help them reach the most important goal line when their time on earth is finished.” 
Jeff Durm – Youth Football coach 


“During this presentation, I liked hearing and reaffirming the reasons why we coach.  This program makes me want to work on bringing my faith more into my coaching, and that discussing my faith more with my players would be beneficial in helping them grow as individuals.”
Brett Herschel – Youth Football Coach


“My favorite part of the Beyond The Goal Line presentation was hearing all the ways we can incorporate God into our practices each week.  I will definitely be adding these activities to my practices and to game days as well!”
Jenna Beckham – Varsity Girls Volleyball Coach - Roncalli High School
“The material covered in the Beyond The Goal Line presentation is extremely valuable in coaching at a faith-based program… in any sport and at any level!  It lays out in an organized fashion specific ways to become a Transformational coach and truly impact the kids we coach in a faith-filled way.  The information within this presentation will be front and center in the way I coach moving forward.  I highly recommend the Beyond The Goal Line Sports Ministry program to any player or coach looking for greater meaning in athletics!  Very impactful!!” 
Sam Otley – Head Football Coach – Roncalli High School 


“I have admired Bruce’s success from a distance for many years.  I always wondered what his secrets were to so much success.  After his presentation, I now know his Beyond The Goal Line concepts are the “secret sauce” to his success.  The great thing is they are not secret any more!!  Every coach who wants to improve can learn how to be better at coaching… and at life… by simply implementing Bruce’s Beyond The Goal Line concepts!”
Dan Wagner – Head Girls Basketball Coach – Chatard High School


"While Bruce achieved unparalleled winning records on the field, what is most impressive is his ability to bring young men to be people of faith, of conviction, and commitment to follow through in the face of stiff challenges.  If a coach, parent, or youth leader wants to be distinguished in their ability to lead young people to success, but more importantly, to teach them how to be successful in life, they need to learn Bruce Scifres' approach to coaching!"
Daniel J. Elsener - President, Marian University - Father of five former Roncalli football players


“This program provides so many quick points and great anecdotes that you can use with both kids and coaches to get them to think beyond the day-to-day.  It takes you back to your “Why” and forces you to think and reflect on the bigger picture of life.”
Kyle Reh – Athletic Director – Chatard High School


“With the words ‘Goal Line’ in the name of this program, I thought it would be mostly for football players. However, I quickly learned this is not the case! This presentation is geared for all athletes and from all sports. It is highly inspirational and helped me better connect my faith with what I do on the court and on the track, and how it is all interconnected. I would highly recommend this program for any athlete!”
Courtney S. – High School Girls Basketball Player and Track Athlete


“Coach Scifres is a great man and Hall of Fame level high school football coach.  He has a vibrant passion for the infusion of his faith into every activity in which he participates.  He lived this example as the head football coach at Roncalli High School in Indianapolis for many years, winning multiple state championships while molding his players into men of great character and faith.  He is now taking his lifelong pursuit of combining faith and coaching into motivational speaking.  I highly recommend attending one of his presentations as you will walk away both inspired and ready to incorporate faith and a core value system into your coaching.  Coach Scifres will teach you how to become a coach that truly transforms the lives of your athletes!” 
Dr. Mike Morelli – Gastroenterologist – Director of Football Operations  Roncalli High School 


“I got goose bumps listening to Coach Scifres speak during the Beyond The Goal Line presentation.  The direction he leads the group is clear, concise, and to the point… and that point always ends up going to God.  The main takeaway for me from his message is that everything I do as a coach should be to help the young men I serve build a foundation for the rest of their lives… and beyond!”
Justin Hornek – Freshman Football Coach – Roncalli High School
“Coach Scifres’ Beyond The Goal Line presentation helped to open my mind beyond the wins and losses and how as a role model I can impact kids in becoming closer to Christ.  I really liked his Keys To Motivation as this will help our players better understand who they play for and who they want to make proud!”
Ken Roseman – Head Boys Basketball Coach – Chatard High School


“This presentation was amazing! It had several analogies that really struck home for me! I really like the Athletes Manual. It emphasizes the importance of our faith as athletes, and how having grit can help me give everything I have each day.”
Nick B. – High School Football Player


“Beyond The Goal Line Sports Ministry reinforces the reason we all should choose to become a coach.  It brings to life the real “wins” in life… becoming the person God created us to be and using sports as a vector to do that.  The Coaches Manual is also a great tool you can easily go back and reference.”
Alissa Hankee – Varsity Girls Basketball – Chatard High School


“The greatest lesson that I ever learned from coach had nothing to do with football skills, techniques or plays.  It rather was a lesson of faith and respect for God and family.  Before every game Coach Scifres would remind us that there is no better way to say “thank you” and honor God, our parents, coaches, and every “brother” that had put on the uniform before us than to give an all out 100% effort and use every ounce of our heart and soul on every play… all night long.” 
Patrick Schaub – Vice President at E.M. Company, Inc.
Former Roncalli Football Co-Captain 
“This presentation helped me realize that prayer is the most powerful thing to give you that extra courage and strength you need in athletics. It was great for understanding how my faith and effort in athletics also impact my life outside of sports.”
Nathan L. – High School Lacrosse and Football Player


“Coach Scifres is a great person, a great coach, and he delivers a powerful message through this ministry!  His passion is infectious, and his lessons of life are relatable and easy to apply in my role as a leader of youth.  Everything that is shared in this presentation is impactful and convinced me that I need to be more than just a football coach!”
Mike Harris – Varsity Football Coach – Scecina High School


“The Beyond The Goal Line seminar was beyond insightful.  My favorite part was creating a coaching mission statement because it really makes you reflect on why you coach and what is truly important.  I also enjoyed the suggested Transformational Team Activities and plan to incorporate them as I coach high school football.  Overall, the presentation was transformational, and I would highly recommend it to any current or aspiring coach.  Thank you, Coach Scifres, for all your hard work and dedication to this important ministry!” 
Alan English - Freshman Football Coach – Roncalli High School 


“I feel that this presentation really made me look into myself and genuinely ask questions I wouldn’t normally ask about athletics. I liked the analogies and how we should do everything for God.”
Henry A. – High School Football, Wrestling, and Track Athlete


“Roncalli football was never just about winning football games.  From day one, we were encouraged to embrace our Christian values and make them a priority.  Coach Scifres always taught us to be a good person first and concentrate on football second.  He reminded us, daily, to always do the right thing, to make our parents proud, and above all, to welcome God into our lives.” 
Chris Eckhart – Attorney, President at Eckhart & Co., Inc.
Former Roncalli Football Co-Captain 
“I love how in this presentation we are challenged as coaches to ask ourselves, ‘Why do I coach?’  This program does a fantastic job of helping coaches focus our effort on how we can change young lives.  The self-test is great and led me to write 3 attainable goals to strive for as I coach.”
Dave Burton – Varsity Football Coach – Roncalli High School


“To put into words all the things Coach Scifres and Roncalli Football do for a player is a very difficult task.  Behind all the plays, practices, games and championships, growing boys are shaped into good people as well as young men.  Coach emphasized every day the importance of teamwork and preparation for life.  He is a master motivator and is the most humble Christian person I know.  Roncalli Football will forever be one of the best experiences of my life.” 
Jason Werner – Owner, Werner Financial
Former Roncalli Football Co-Captain
2004 Indiana Mr. Football Award Winner